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Web application pentest

Secure your web based applications, protect your business

Web Applications are nowadays widely deployed across the enterprise providing all kinds of services and access to business critical information to both external and internal users. They are also one of the most common attack vectors targeted by attackers. Securing these systems is critical to protect your confidential information, the integrity of your servers, infrastructure and ultimately your business.


Service Overview

What is Web App Pentest ?

Web application penetration testing is the process of using penetration testing techniques on a web application to detect its vulnerabilities. GetSecureWorld team can help you identify security vulnerabilities present in your commercial and in-house developed web-based applications, we will provide advice on how to remediate issues found, determine the current security stance of the systems analyzed and give you overall recommendations.

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All You Need Is Here

Web App Pentest

All the security aspects are covered

Conf & Deployment

Configuration and Deployment
Management Testing


Identity and Roles
Management Testing


Testing the Authentication
Schema and Process


Testing the authorization
Schema and logic

Session Management

Testing controls governing
web application sessions

Input Validation

Testing Input validation
System for all sort of failure

Error Handling

Detecting Informations leaks
Due to improper error handling

Business Logic

Testing the Logic Business
Controls and Process



How It Works

the quieter you become ... the more you can hear.

Step 1

Defining the scope

Before a web application assessment can take place, Getsecureworld expert define a clear scope of the client. Open communication between the expert and the client organization is encouraged at this stage to establish a comfortable foundation from which to assess.

Defining the scope

Step 2

Information Gathering

Getsecureworld team collect as much information as they can on the target, employing a myriad of OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) tools and techniques. The gathered data will help us to understand the operating conditions of the organization, which allows us to assess risk accurately as the engagement progresses.

Information Gathering

Step 3


At this stage, we incorporate manual and automated scripts and techniques, among other tactics in more advanced information gathering. Getsecureworld team closely examine any possible attack vectors. The gathered information from this stage will be the basis for our exploitation in the next phase


Step 4

Attack and Penetration

With careful consideration, we begin to attack vulnerabilities found within the webapp. This is done cautiously to protect the application and its data, while still verifying the existence of discovered attack vectors.

Attack and Penetration

Step 5


Reporting is the final stage of the assessment process. Getsecureworld team aggregate all obtained information and provide the client with a thorough, comprehensive detailing of our findings.


Technical Requirements

The following list of requirements is only indicative, and other elements can be requested before launching the mission.

Permissions proof

To be able to work legally GetSecureWorld Team can ask for some ownership or authorization proof.

Test accounts

To be able to do a graybox pentest of your webapp, some user account could be asked. These accounts are only used for tests and could be removed once the tests finish.

App urls

To start the pentest we will need to get the domain name of the targeted webapp. In the case of API pentest the documentation or some datasets will be needed to  understand the app.

You want a pentest for ...

Please contact us before ordering.


Wordpress, joomla, drupal ...
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